Thursday, May 27, 2010

T-minus Two Weeks!!

Hello again! I know it's been over two weeks since my last post. I've missed writing, but short of a constant cheese and WHINE fest, I haven't had a ton to say or report.

Yes, I've definitely been practicing the fine art of self-pitty these days. 'Poor me, I don't have any friends.' 'Poor me, I don't feel useful.' 'Poor me, I've gained some weight.' Any of this sound familiar? Well, for me, it stops today! This is so stupid and totally unproductive, which I can't afford to be right now.

The past several weekends have been rainy and depressing, which doesn't help. I'm stressed almost all the time with the anxiety around moving, worrying about the stress of traveling back and forth every two weeks, worrying about living with Pete again after so long, worrying about the expense of living in California, worrying about what kind of wedding to have and WHEN. Hmmm. I just listed four pretty big things I'm worrying about! TOO MUCH! So, I think the key is to take it one thing at a time. All of these things are going to happen regardless of if I worry about them. So, I've got to change my mindset from worrying to 'BRING IT ON!'. My mom always says 'Don't Sweat the Small Stuff'. And, those are words to live by, for sure. Of course, she didn't ever say much about sweating the huge stuff, but whatever.


Wow! Time is flying by! It's been almost a month since I saw Pete last. It's been pretty rough on me. But we're over the hump and he'll be flying in on June 9 to drive West with me. There are so many things I need to do before we leave, and I've been putting them off with the excuse of 'Ehh, I need to wait and do that closer to when we leave.' Well, folks, that'd be NOW!

So, while I do want to have some fun since the weather is going to be nice AND it's a holiday weekend, I also need to do some packing and cleaning house. So, my goal is to have all the non-clothing items I plan to take with me packed by the end of this weekend. I also want to pack up some things and take everything I don't want to Goodwill.

Traveling with two, spoiled, feline Divas should prove to be interesting. I'm not looking forward to it at all. I got them both pretty, pink travel carriers, complete with zebra-printed furry pillows to lay on inside. This is actually a picture of Nikki in hers. They love them! But I'm a little nervous about feeding them on the road. I don't think they'll eat under 'weird' circumstances. I also doubt that they'll do their 'business' in the grass at a rest stop. I think once I can let them out of their carriers in a hotel room, they'll be ok. But I don't look forward to the imminent allergy attacks for Pete, since the kitties will likely want to sleep in bed with us, instead of on the floor.

These are the things running through my head these days. Not happy thoughts about weddings and houses and warm fuzzies. But visions of cat hair all over the inside of my Xterra, and having them pee in their carriers or worse, on the hotel room floor. I'd give them 'something' for their nerves in hopes that they'll sleep during the car ride, but I don't think I can do that everyday for four days, which is what it will probably take us to drive the 3,000 miles! So, if anyone has any suggestions, please leave me a comment :).

I know that this will all be ok and the ride West will be long, but probably uneventful. Since Pete isn't a planner, I'm already mapping our route and looking for hotels along the way. We have our good friend, Miss Garmin, who will keep us company. What the heck did we do without her all these years? It's crazy how you get dependent on things like that. But I digress...

Like sand through the hourglass, So are the Days of Our Lives :)

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned!

Easily Distracted

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